Fingal County Council Housing Development Services Condition Framework

As part of a Four-Year Fingal County Council Framework which commenced in 2019 we were contracted to carry out surveys of Housing Developments in Fingal, Co. Dublin by CES Environmental Ltd. The surveys completed were:

  • A GPS survey of the over-ground services in the development such as watermains fittings covers and manhole chambers;
  • A water audit of the water mains network including pressure testing of fire hydrants & the operational and construction conformance of chambers, fixtures and fittings and
  • A full Leak detection survey of the watermains in the development;
  • A CCTV survey of the underground storm and foul networks was also carried out to determine the condition of the network.

This data was then all compiled together to produce 3 reports:

  1. CCTV report outlining piping faults.
  2. Water Audit outlining faults and leaks within the watermains network and
  3. A Topographical plan of all the manholes and Water mains chambers labelled and referenced to the CCTV and Water Audit report respectively thus allowing the end user to easily locate all faults during the remedial works process.

The collection of this data is vital when assessing the condition of building developments and to identify the scope of the remedial works required before these developments can be taken in charge by the respective County Councils.

With over three years’ experience in carrying out the civils works remedials to developments on behalf of bond insurers the team at Neptune Site Services have extensive first-hand experience in identifying and rectifying construction defects.